New to CrossFit, fitness, or the area?

Check out our partner workouts on Saturday at 9am or 10 am.
Your drop in fee will be applied towards a membership if you SIGN UP!



  • The cost of frequent doctors visits, prescription medication, and other medical expenses associated with being unhealthy or out of shape can add up quickly. Local gyms range from $30-$60 for a monthly membership and may have start-up fees. That membership gives you access to equipment, mirrors, and possibly some classes. Does that keep you motivated and allow you to achieve your goals?

  • Maybe a personal trainer can help you achieve your goals and keep you motivated? Local personal training starts around $45/hr. and go up from there. 1 hour with a personal trainer per week plus a membership will cost over $200. 

  • Every time you workout at CrossFit Rising Tide you will have a coach to guide you through a warm up, mobility, weightlifting, and metcons! Our program is designed to be progressive so you will see results as time goes by and feel comfortable that plenty of thought and knowledge was put into your plan. You will also get the support of a great community in every session to help push your abilities to places you may not have thought possible or are able to achieve on your own.



Everyone at CrossFit Rising Tide begins with a course we call On-Ramp. This consists of 3-4 sessions scheduled as private 1-on-1 sessions. This course will take all new members through the major movements of CrossFit, starting with the basics to address weaknesses and build a solid base with air squats, strict presses, and deadlifts. The course builds through movements to finish with a session devoted to learning the basics of Olympic weightlifting. Experienced athletes and members who have never touched a barbell will all take away plenty of information and finish on-ramp ready to jump into our daily CrossFit sessions.

Click Here to Sign Up for an On Ramp

On-ramps are currently only offered as private training sessions with 1 or 2 people.

Check out our Facebook and Instagram for On-Ramp promotions and discounts.

Want to Try a workout first? join our community workout at 8:30am every saturday. Register here


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